Weather is unpredictable, and the property damage it causes can add both cost and time to a building project. While it’s impossible to fully predict and react in a timely fashion to strong winds and storms, a documented and practiced contingency plan can help contractors prepare for the unexpected. Protect your site and project timeline by evaluating site-specific risks, properly securing materials and equipment, and anticipating alternate construction plans.
A dry-in plan for every project is a must. Water is one of the leading causes of damage to buildings under construction. Heavy rains can enter the exterior building envelope through unfinished window and door openings. Concrete structures are especially at risk of acting like a sponge and soaking up moisture, resulting in more damage and more extended dry out periods.
Long dry out periods stall the installation of finished products, such as framing, electrical, gypsum board, etc., and costs time and money. A plan for dry-in should be a significant part of a project’s preparedness checklist.
DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer the better solution for negative side dry-in
DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer is a negative side dry-in solution and is easily applied by brush, roller, or sprayer to the inside facing surface of moisture-retaining materials such as concrete and block. Subsequently, It is insurance that your finishing materials are secure from heavy rain and water damage, creating a safe working environment. DRYLOK is nationally recognized and distributed.
Easy application of DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer means there are no special skills needed. Additionally, it is a solution that prepares the concrete and masonry for finished product installation with no product waste.
DRYLOK Original Masonry Waterproofer –
- GUARANTEED to stop water
- Cost-Effective
- Resists 98 MPH wind-driven rain
- Water-Based Acrylic Latex
- Low-odor formula
- Easy Application/Easy cleanup
- Economic negative side waterproofing
- Faster project completion

Pictured is one of 5 new high-rise housing units in Tampa using DRYLOK for dry-in. The completed buildings will be 8 stories. The building has only 2 floors complete, at each level, they will waterproof. The upper floors had not yet started to go up. All floors will get a coat of DRYLOK on the interior side.

You can see from the picture why the general contractor used the dry-in process. To keep the water out, they waterproofed the inside. In addition, continuing construction on the exterior is possible when the dry-in takes place inside. Negative side dry-in is a must in these circumstances.