With proper planning and measurements, and a few calculations, you can ensure that your next waterproofing project doesn’t leave your basement littered with a bunch of half-empty gallon cans.
Once you have decided to tackle that damp and dingy basement by undergoing a waterproofing project, now is the best time, by the way, you have to make the decision of what product and how much. Of course, you decided on
DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer, if you have read the reviews and asked your network of go-tos, but how much is enough? There is a fine balance of wanting the right amount and not having any waste. Buy too much paint, and you’ve not only wasted money, but you’ve also got to decide what to do with the extra. Buy too little, and when it finally comes to project day, you’re delayed by needing to make a second and third trip to the local home center. Neither one is appealing, but fortunately, you can avoid both with proper planning. Waterproofers are not like ordinary house paints,
DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer needs to penetrate the pores of the masonry, expands as it dries to become part of the wall surface.
DRYLOK is actually working to stop water from entering into your space, so you want to make sure to follow the label of 75 to 100 square feet per gallon. To make it easy,
UGL has supplied you with a handy dandy product calculator on the
DRYLOK product page

Did You Know?
An average size basement is 8’ x 20’ x 40’ this is approx. 22.5 gallons of waterproofer you will need (2 coats with the second coat going twice as far as the first). As the label says you want to fill all pinholes and make sure you have one continuous coat.
Gallons or 5‑Gallons?

If you are doing touchup work or coating small garden containers, a gallon is the way to go. However, if you have an entire space to waterproof, 5‑gallons is the best bet. Not only is it easier to work from a 5‑gallon bucket but post-consumer waste is a real thing. After the project is done, would you rather 22.5 empty gallons or five 5‑gallon buckets, which by the way are great for garden buckets, washing your car and storage?
More is better
We know DIYers tend to be conservative, especially in these troubling times. We also know you have heard
“more is not better,” but in this case, more
IS better. Waterproofers can
“settle” after a day, little pinholes may start to show. You want to make sure to go at these spots with a brush and some product and not wait until a heavy rain causes water through these little holes.

Take 5
These days we are all looking for a place to social distance, a place to carve out a home office, a workout area or a quiet place to meditate and clear our heads look down, it could be right under your feet. Go to your local hardware store, paint store, or home center and
Take 5, you will not regret it.